Duplicating Fabian Mpagi’s, the thinker, by Waddimba spurs controversy
By Samuel Kiwanuka The next big story in the Uganda contemporary art scene could be the duplicating of the painting, the thinker, by Edward Waddimba. The thinker (1993) is a series of paintings...
View ArticleAnother Roadmap Cluster to impact on art education on the continent- Q&A with...
STARTjournal: In July 2015 you were at the Nagenda International Academy of Art & Design (NIAAD) in Namulanda to launch the Another Roadmap Africa Cluster. What is this project about?...
View ArticleFaceless Figures, White Cut-Outs
By Moses Serubiri What happens to Fanon’s followers during liberation? In what condition is Fanon’s nativism when revolution gives birth to independence from the terror of colonialism? How does Fanon...
View ArticleGlass mirrors Stacey Gillian’s triumphs and despair
By Samuel Kiwanuka The Kampala contemporary art scene is increasingly becoming exciting. Artists’ niche to experiment and innovate with new media now facilitates them to convey different forms of...
View ArticleEast African art market ready for International recognition – Q&A with Circle...
The Circle Modern and Contemporary East African Auction follows the lead and success of London based Bonhams and Nigeria based Arthouse Contemporary auctions which have staged regular art auctions in a...
View ArticleTranscending the Proverbial box – Q&A with Jackie Karuti
Jackie Karuti was born in Nairobi, Kenya, and has in recent years gained positive attention for her experimental, conceptual work using new media. She explores themes of death, sexuality, identity,...
View ArticletransFORM#1: A conversation with Afriart Gallery Art director Daudi Karungi
The transFORM #1 Contemporary Art Experience is happening this Saturday 5th December at a warehouse behind the Nakumatt in Bukoto. The event, which is organised in partnership with the Goethe Zentrum...
View ArticleKiln Remodeling and its Use with Bizen-like Pottery Firing Techniques
By Ronald Mpindi Kibudde Introduction This paper presents the practical processes of remodeling and using a kiln in the Ceramics studio at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine arts,...
View Article‘Dads’– Report on Dads photography exhibition at the National Theatre
Report on Dads photography exhibition held from 16 September 2016 to 18 September 2016 By Philip Balimunsi This article summaries the experience of audiences to the Dads exhibition and their general...
View ArticleOn the Role of Curatorial Assistant, Kampala Art Biennale 2016
by Martha Kazungu In August 2016, during a meeting where I was invited to be part of the team to share ideas on how to re-establish and run the Start Art journal, artist Margaret Nagawa, who is also...
View ArticleSeeking that Coveted Photography Award
by Miriam Namutebi I am a photographer. I love what I do. My journey in photography started when I excelled in my senior six examinations at the age of 18. My Dad rewarded me with a Fuji Film S200EXR...
View ArticleArt and the “Ghost” of “Military Dictatorship”: Expressions of Dictatorship...
by Angelo Kakande Abstract Although military dictatorship has distorted governance, the rule of law and constitutionalism, and caused fear, hopelessness, loss of life and property throughout Uganda’s...
View ArticleKampala Art Biennale – Photo essay by Fiona Siegenthaler
The documentation and representation of an event is never objective but individual and biased. This is most apparent when you have the privilege of both, being a team member and an observer of a key...
View ArticleUgandan Artists at the 2016 FNB Joburg Artfair (video)
Video by: Eric Mukalazi. Eric Mukalazi is a multimedia artist, media entrepreneur, and founder of Dragonfly Media Company, which integrates technology with arts and culture.
View ArticleGlobal Connections: Elise Atangana on 2nd Kampala Art Biennale
by Moses Serubiri The Kampala Art Biennale emerged in 2014, organized by the Kampala Arts Trust. It was billed erroneously as the “first biennale in Africa” in the Observer newspaper. Not surprisingly,...
View ArticleThe Art of Appropriation: The Ready-made through the Eyes of Matt Kayem
Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain as photographed by Alfred Stieglitz.Source: Wikipedia.com Art has always been associated with making things, and has been defined as ‘to do’ in some cases. But there is...
View ArticleBayimba turning 10yrs, with a bit of pressure on determining what next!
by Faisal KIWEWA Fig 1. Joel Sebunjo and Sundiata This 2017, Bayimba is making 10 years of working and investing in the arts and culture in Uganda. This is really a great moment for all of us at the...
View ArticleRe-reading the Warps and Wefts in Trowell’s Mother and Child Print: Debates...
Amanda Tumusiime Margaret Trowell has been called the ‘mother of contemporary art in Uganda and a feminist’ (Tumusiime 2012). This is because in the mid-1930s she introduced the teaching of...
View ArticleKatwe, a genuine pleasure
By Annette Sebba These and many more memories have been triggered by the 2016 Uganda movie, Queen of Katwe. I agree with Olly Richards of the Sunday Times, United Kingdom, that even with a clearly...
View ArticleMira Nair and the making of Queen of Katwe
By Kalungi Kabuye Before Queen of Katwe, Mira Nair was probably better known as the director of the 1988 film Salaam Bombay, which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. In...
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